Sunday lucky sunday
I almost gave up on sundays

but today was lotsa gooood
Start the morn (that was tough..)
with a finish breakfast straight from the oven
nummm smell
I f I could just pack it up
I would hum cinnamonnnnmon all days long..
back to desk
sat and budgeted till I was dizzy
a first time parking spot nxt to accountant
then a meeting
stepping out just in time to meet
our new gate!!
with metal frame and all
just this morn was wondering and askin where the hell I would get one
such glorious goodness
timing is everything my friend
snuggling it up on Matke's automobile
jump by to get screwdriver just walking out
to meet an amazing neighbour
filled to the brim with plants and wooden sculptures
gate delivered with local ethio help
back to return car
chance encouter with long past semi dilousional neighbour that promises to
pay for my wedding
on to a wonderful sandwich
a girl needs her B12
talk and lemonade on the house
on to type away by beer and blues
jam night at Ashan
Get me organic cheeses
and on home
I should sleep now
or paint
or invent a song for Amit's BD

maybe Im fine as I am