Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Tough cookie
I wonder
What is more true..
To be all open and giving
Embracing douce
Tough and demanding
Requiring new heights from my partner
Both exist in me
Which one creates higher opportunity?
[this creation above from my new king of simplificating joy - Edward Monkton]
Monday, January 10, 2011
Optimum Prime
Don't apologize
Don't subdue
Don't show me just a hue..
How great it could be
If people where just themselves
I want truth
n clean
and BOLD
Stare me in the eye
be the very most of yourself
what? what could happen..?
I'm not afraid to hope anymore
I rather fly high high with my wings (love)
and if I crash
make it a big-bada-boom!
Thats how I know I'm alive
no damn FEAR!
I won't be mad if you break up
I will be if you don't match up to my hight
of honesty
and dare
open and look
lets see what can be found
wonders of the world..