Sunday, November 18, 2007

wild thing

what can console
the inner storm
bad timing
need to focus now
finish up
feel like
jumping up and down

you cant run
you cant hide

don't want self-pity
don't want confusion

where did the clear thought
walk to

did it get bored with my

Am I not supposed to know whats most important?
how do I get unstuck?
yeah I know its all me - all the answers are inside
all the possibilities there too

so why do I keep crying when I should so be writing?
I miss simple warmth

hold me tight
I'm disappearing..


Blogger Harsh said...

A high key and a very low koo
always will be there for you -
Least expected, most accepted
things are those that you'll do.

Welcome sun and some snow, too
Life's great in a dreamy hue.
Then a step down for taking stock
of what else do you need to do.

Wild things grow in deserts, true,
but beauty, too where love's new.
Till you get much better things,
here's a low key with very "high koo".

(Matsuo Basho's unknown kindergarten Haiku).


9:00 AM  

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